
Take your pick at one of our many options to suit need. This is a catalog of all the courses we offer. Browse by topic or difficulty. Take full courses or test yourself with some flash cards.

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Learn how to set up your Dev environment. Here we'll teach you the basics of VS code, extensions, & how to think like a programmer.


The bones of Web Development. Html is the very structure of any website, learn what semantic html means, & take a high level overview of hyper text markup langauge.


Cascading Style Sheets is how your website looks to the client. Learn about accessibility, color contrast, & how to center a div here.


The brain of the website, the logic behind what happens when a user clicks or scrolls. Learn basic fundamentals and how to properly approach any Javascript problem.


The most popular Javascript Library in the industry. Learn what makes it so powerful yet so versitale. Hooks, Components, & Routers are all here.


Github & Git are version control systems that help you collaborate with a team, as well as provide you a way to track and store your progress. We'll learn Git commands and how to set up your own github account here.